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PH-652-20 Aesculap's needle holder, 200 mm TC insert
WH-112-00 Aesculap's universal handle
RN-250-00 Aesculap's wire extension with 3 hooks large size
RN-260-00 Aesculap's wire extension, with 3 hooks,
RD-514-26 Aesculap-Pratt's tenaculum forceps, 4x4 prongs, straight, 260 mm
WA-567-19 Agnew's tympanum perforator, 190 mm
RL-382-21 Alexander raspatory, double ended, 210 mm
RL-807-14 Alexander's bone rongeur forceps, 140 mm
RL-130-10 Alexander's chisel, straight, 180x10 mm
RL-130-12 Alexander's chisel, straight, 180x12 mm
RL-130-14 Alexander's chisel, straight, 180x14 mm
RL-130-04 Alexander's chisel, straight, 180x4 mm
RL-130-06 Alexander's chisel, straight, 180x6 mm
RL-130-08 Alexander's chisel, straight, 180x8 mm
RL-131-10 Alexander's gouge, straight, 180x10 mm
RL-131-12 Alexander's gouge, straight, 180x12 mm
RL-131-14 Alexander's gouge, straight, 180x14 mm
RL-131-04 Alexander's gouge, straight, 180x4 mm
RL-131-06 Alexander's gouge, straight, 180x6 mm
RL-131-08 Alexander's gouge, straight, 180x8 mm